Mid-winter greetings to my wonderful friends of the Featherstones Comfort Pad!
I have some exciting news – well, exciting for me!
And that is, my website now features a brand new Featherstones Comfort Pad covered in a new stretchy Performance Piqué Fabric style called Churn – a very cool look! Here it is.

Not only that – I am featuring my first replaceable Comfort Pad cover in Foliage Fleece! Yes, a fleece cover to offer that extra bit of soft, warm, comfiness this winter. It will replace a removable Performance Piqué Fabric cover and also cover a non-removeable Pleather fabric Comfort Pad.
Here’s that new replaceable cover, shown zipped over a Comfort Pad.

I planned to introduce two replaceable covers, but the other fabric came in a bit eh-eh and had to be returned. Hopefully soon!
Both new items are listed on my website featherstonesinc.com/comfort-pad. The replaceable cover and the new Comfort Pad style – as well as the original four styles and Carry Bag – will be available at 20% off through February. Our introductory discount ends then, however our decision to ship for free to anywhere in the USA still stands.
News to share – soon!
And next time we hope to have some more very cool news to share. A quick hint – the Comfort Pad has been tested to fabulous reviews in a particular Boston hospital environment. We think we’ll be able to share that information freely soon, and we’ll be grateful to share it with you, our dear Featherstones friends.
Before moving on, a quick reminder. Please, if you haven’t yet … please take two minutes and go to my website featherstonesinc.com/comfort-pad and leave a rating and review of your Comfort Pad. Your reviews truly do help with our marketing success. You will have the sincere thanks of a grateful entrepreneur!

February recipe
Our newfound friends at the National Breast Cancer Foundation (recall their free e-book, called “Breast Problems That Aren’t Breast Cancer,” which I referenced in the January newsletter, available here: Breast Pain – Causes and Symptoms – National Breast Cancer Foundation) are at it again. Scott just downloaded their free e-book, “Healthy Recipes for Breast Cancer Patients,” and it features ten fun-looking recipes for anyone who likes healthy, delicious meals – breakfast, entrees and snacks. I’m definitely going to try some out, so I thought I’d share.
First, if you’d like to download this free cookbook, just click here: Cookbook-Ebook-v05.pdf (nationalbreastcancer.org).
Okay, we flipped through the recipes and found a lot of funness – it all looks yummy! But we like the sound of one in particular and decided to make it this month’s newsletter recipe.
First, here’s info about the cookbook’s author – we want to be sure we’re recommending a recipe from a good source. From the e-book:
Annie Cavalier, MS, RDN, LD “is a clinical registered dietitian who works at one of the largest hospitals in Dallas, Texas. She attended the University of Texas at Austin for her bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics and received her master’s degree in nutrition from Texas Woman’s University. Annie’s interest in nutrition was sparked when she was 12 years old and her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. With the help of a friend who is a chef, Annie’s family learned how to prepare healthy, delicious food that her mother was able to eat during treatment.”
Sounds good to us. And we can’t wait to try Annie’s Chickpea and Veggie Curry! Here it is, straight from her e-book:
Chickpea and Veggie Curry
“Cancer therapies can often make you lose your sense of taste, so it is best to try foods that are packed with flavor to give you the best chance of tasting it well, and this recipe is a great option for that. Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are an excellent source of protein. Of note, this may not be the best recipe for you to try during times when you are experiencing mouth sores, due to the acidity of the bell peppers and variety of spices.”
Serves 6
Prep time: 45 min
Total time: 1 hour, 15 min
• 1 cup dried brown rice
• 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
• 1 medium yellow onion, minced
• 1 red bell pepper, diced
• 1 yellow bell pepper, diced
• 2 large carrots, peeled and diced
• 1 cup cauliflower florets (about 1/3 of a large head)
• 4 cloves of garlic, minced
• 2 tsp ground ginger
• 2 tsp ground coriander
• 2 tsp cumin
• ½ tsp salt
• ¼ cup red curry paste
• 2 (15 oz) cans garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
• 2 ½ cups unsweetened almond milk
• Chopped cilantro, optional
- Place the olive oil, onion, bell peppers, carrots, and cauliflower in a large saucepan and sauté on medium heat for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Add the garlic, ginger, coriander, cumin, salt, and curry paste, and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes.
- Add the garbanzo beans and almond milk and bring to a simmer. Allow it to simmer uncovered for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- While the garbanzo beans are cooking, bring 2 cups of water to a boil and add the brown rice. Simmer with the lid on for about 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Plate the garbanzo beans and brown rice and top with cilantro if desired.
Does that sound awesome or what? We’ll try it soon for sure!
It sounds like it will take a while to create. But – you know? Sometimes goodness takes time, right? Often when I’m cooking Scott will join me and perch at the kitchen island and read on his tablet or watch the evening news, while chatting about our days. And, of course, he takes over preparing dinner a fair amount of the time. (Especially the simple meals…;)
Do you have a health tip or recipe you’d like to share? We would love to hear from you! Please reach out at leigh@featherstonesinc.com any time – I promise to respond quickly.
And also, we’re starting to record simple Comfort Pad testimonials – if you would like to do a testimonial video with us, shoot me an email. Our first one went up on social media Monday and is a lovely, sincere statement about how effective it is for providing comfort for this breast cancer survivor. Please check it out!
We want to do sincere testimonials and also fun ones, so if you have an idea for how you use your Comfort Pad, just let me know. Scott’s the video guy. His slogan: Have tripod, will travel! He’s available week nights and weekends to visit if you’re nearby. If you’re farther away, you’re welcome to send us your own. Best to keep them 30 seconds or less. Thanks!
See you next time!
To your good comfort!
With love, Leigh
PS: Please feel free to forward my newsletters to anyone you think would enjoy a ride on the Featherstones love boat. They are welcome to sign up for the free newsletter at my website featherstonesinc.com/comfort-pad. We will never sell or give their information away!
And follow us on Facebook: @FeatherstonesComfortPad and Instagram: @featherstones.comfort.pad. We post info, insights and more Monday-Friday. Thank you!