CBD Organics

Featherstone’s, Massage Therapy Studio has practiced “natural” healing remedies for over 25 years. Natural Labor Inducement, Natural Breech Turning, Reiki Healing, doTerra Essential Oils, Lypossage (the natural alternative to Liposuction) and the healing qualities of the Biomat.

After a lot of consideration, research and education, I am now carrying the Wellness line of CBD oral oils as well as topical creams. I have been testing the oral and topic remedies in my studio, and the results are outstanding. This is yet one more natural product that I want to have available for my clients. This is the safer pain relief. The natural way to feel better!

What is CBD: Cannabidiol

Cannabidiol is the one of the most studied non-psychoactive cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. CBD binds to receptors in your immune system, providing a variety of medicinal benefits without the high. These products do not carry any THC in them.

I have now become authorized to sell the oral CBD by Green Roads Wellness. Green Roads carries a product line that is produced by highly qualified pharmacists. Their team is built around credible professionals, and that was important to me while choosing whom I wanted to be my supplier.

I chose CBD Clinic Company for my topical creams. I feel the same way about this company and was impressed that each company researched me as a provider of their products before allowing me to represent them.

CBD helps with:

Headaches and migraines, joint and muscle pain, fibromyalgia, sleeplessness, inflammation, anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD, mental clarity, Lyme disease, PTS, chronic pain and many more symptoms in a non-pharmaceutical way.

To learn more about CBD Wellness please call or email me. You can stop by to purchase sample sizes of these product enabling you to become familiar with the products and strengths that will be best suited for your individual needs.

I am looking forward to this new natural remedy and am excited to help you all in your healing journey!

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