About Leigh

Leigh Barton Smith

I have been a licensed massage therapist in the state of Massachusetts for 25 years. In 1999 I completed a 600 hour program at an accredited massage therapy school. Once in school, I knew that prenatal massage would be my specialty. It is now my passion! As a mother myself, I would have been delighted to have had a trained prenatal massage therapist by my side during my pregnancy.

I have worked with over 3400 prenatal, natural induction, and natural breech turning clients from conception to delivery. In order to perform prenatal massage, it is imperative that the therapist has also studied acupressure. The pressure points on the body that correlate with specific organs must be understood, as these points are stimulated during the induction technique. If stimulated prior to a full- term pregnancy this could cause an early labor.

I completed additional training in: Injury work, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, La Stone Hot Stone Massage, Lypossage, Reiki, Birth Doula certification and Hospice Volunteer certification.

My practice encompasses work with pre and post- surgical patients, in my office, hospitals and private homes. I also see clients who have had joint injuries, strokes and cancer, as well as children with Cerebral Palsy, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, sensory and cognitive disorders, ADD, ADHD, anxiety and asthma.


  • Licensed Massage Therapist in MA 1999 to current
  • Graduate of Dove Star Holistic Health and Massage Therapy, 1999
  • Additional accreditation in Prenatal Massage, Birth Doula training, Upledger Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reiki Master and Hospice Volunteer certification.
  • Division of Professional Licensure – Commonwealth of Massachusetts
    Massage Therapy License #3178

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