Benefits of Massage

Therapeutic, Deep Tissue Massage

This massage is designed to not only relax you but to work out and remedy your trouble areas. Many different massage techniques may be incorporated into this massage to ensure the maximum in relaxation and healing. In most cases seventy-five minutes is sufficient but may require ninety minutes.

Three in One Massage

A massage focusing on head, neck, shoulders and back followed by the placement of hot stones along the sides of your spine (erector muscles) and under your neck. A lavender pack is placed over your eyes. Soft music and thirty minutes of Reiki follow for a grounding experience. Ahhh!

LaStone Massage

The Original Hot Rock Therapy. Hot and cold stones are used to massage the entire body. This massage is designed after the Stone Clan Native Americans who have healed with stones for eons. A mind, body and spirit connection. Like no other massage therapy you have ever experienced! Spiritual, Ceremonial, Meditative, and Therapeutic.


Non-intrusive, hands on therapy that reawakens the body’s inner healing power. A beautiful, peaceful awakening, grounding experience. Healing takes place on all levels: Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual.


During pregnancy your body is undergoing stress producing changes. Massage eliminates many of the adverse effects
of stress, muscle tension, fatigue and accompanying discomforts.

Come experience 60-75 minutes of relaxation for you and your baby on a special table which is specifically designed for pregnancy. This may be one of the only times that you can actually lie on your stomach during your pregnancy! There are holes in the table to accommodate the belly and breasts.

Natural Breech Baby Turning Massage

The turning of a breech baby can be done successfully and naturally using massage and energy work techniques. This technique is gentle and non-intrusive to both the mother and baby. There are no guarantees but we have been very successful with our technique.

Natural Inducement Massage

Once you have reached your final week of pregnancy and have begun your dilation process your care-giver will let you know that you may deliver at any time. At this time we will incorporate the stimulation of pressure points into your massage. This stimulation will induce a natural labor experience. Delivery usually occurs between one and four days. This massage has a very high success rate. There are no guarantees.
Leigh is fully licensed and experienced in all her fields of expertise.

Massage Fees:

Cash, checks, and Venmo accepted.
Tips are appreciated but not expected.

Massage Benefits:

Massage Therapy is no longer viewed as a luxury. Therapeutic massage can be more effective than talk therapy for reaching and healing hidden trauma and relieving depression. Even a single session may have a dramatic effect.

Leigh, Featherstones Owner. 1999 graduate of Dove Star Holistic Health and Massage Therapy School. Specializing in all massage therapies offered at Featherstones.

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