New Year’s greetings to my wonderful friends of the Featherstones Comfort Pad!
But first…. Okay, so I can become excitable at times, right? LOL, anyone who knows me knows that! So, you can imagine how excited I was when I received the January issue of my industry’s awesome trade publication, Massage Magazine. And right there on the “New on the scene” page, the top, lead item is – ta da! – our very own Featherstones Comfort Pad! Woo hoo!!!
As a longtime massage therapist, I realized that when some of my female clients turn over onto their bellies, they scrunch their arms up tight against their sides. It turned out they were protecting their sensitive breasts from the pressure of lying on them. For some, it was downright painful.
You already know the story, how that was the motivation behind my quest to come up with a solution to this problem for my ladies. And from what so many of you tell me regularly, the Comfort Pad works wonderfully! So, it’s pretty cool having the Comfort Pad being showcased in Massage Magazine this month.
But – reality check! Yes, this may go out in front of thousands of readers, but as my darling husband, Scott, reminds me, according to marketing principles, it takes an average of seven touches by a new product before a likely candidate for it decides to make a purchase.
One of those touches, hopefully, will be that candidate going to my online store and watching my video, reading the info, and looking at the products. And when that happens, the person will also see ratings and recommendations associated with each item. So, that leads me to make a request of you, dear friends.
Please, please, please – if you like your Comfort Pad, please go to my website, find the pad you own, and leave a rating and brief review. Consumer reviews are super important in helping people make buying decisions in online stores. Please visit to leave yours. You’ll have the sincere thanks of a budding entrepreneur!
A warm, sunny tale!
So, this is fun! A couple of happy Comfort Pad owners returned recently from a trip to Aruba and sent me a load of photos of them at the beach – with their Comfort Pads! Meditating on the beach, lying on a chaise, sleeping in the sun. Do these girls look content or what, lying on the hot sand on their bellies? So many uses for our fun product!
More stories out there?
I’d love to hear about other uses of the Comfort Pad – and any Comfort Pad stories that have popped up. For example, I corresponded with a woman from California who purchased a pad after reading a post by a breast cancer survivor from New England who talked up her Comfort Pad in a Peloton breast cancer survivor group on Facebook. And then there’s the story about how a husband, who initially made fun of the “girlie pad,” kept taking his wife’s Comfort Pad for lumbar support driving in the car, so she finally got him his own. See? Lots of applications! And not just for women!!!
Send me your story and I’ll get it into my newsletter! Feel free to include a photo – I love to see the Comfort Pad in action!
Wellness tip
Many of you know I’m a strong advocate for breast health. We came across an informative, free e-book from the National Breast Cancer Foundation, called “Breast Problems That Aren’t Breast Cancer.”
According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, “Breast pain is any discomfort, tenderness, or pain in the breast or underarm region, and it may occur for a number of reasons. Breast pain usually isn’t a sign of breast cancer.” You can download the Foundation’s free eBook to learn about the most common non-cancerous breast problems, like breast pain. Go to
They also offer another free publication, “3 Steps to Early Detection” of breast cancer.
Most importantly, please heed the Foundation’s strong advice: “The most important message for anyone is to not ignore breast lumps, breast pain, or any breast changes. If you notice changes or feel anything new (firmness or lump) in your breasts, see your doctor. If you know what the breast problem is, you can either get it treated or have peace of mind.”
You have to be your own best advocate for your health. We women understand the necessity of practicing good breast health care. And I hope you have someone to share your knowledge with, in case you need an extra bit of support during challenging times. I’m lucky to have a caring co-advocate I get to sleep with – now, if he’d only stop snoring!
Bone broth recipe
I referenced my bone broth recipe a couple of newsletters ago, and I’ve gotten some requests for it. So, that’s this month’s recipe – happy to share!
I have to say first that this was inspired by “Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet,” a book I devoured when it was time to lose the menopause weight gain. You can learn about her and her programs here:
Kellyann Petrucci is a naturopathic doctor, and her three-week diet worked wonders for me. Her book offers loads of insightful information and recipes. As the diet’s name infers, it’s all about the bones – and the collagen drawn from the bones (there’s loads of info in her book and online about the great bennies of collagen – we also add powdered collagen to our morning coffee). While bone broth and collagen play an integral role in her weight loss program, which includes intermittent fasting, Scott (who lost 30 pounds on the diet, in three rounds over five months) and I start each day with a couple of cups for the nutrition, protein (10-15 grams per cup) and hunger reduction effect. You can read all about it on Dr. Kallyann’s website. We enjoy our version of the recipe, right here. It’s delicious and a great start to our day!
Chicken bone broth, a la Leigh
I usually prepare it in a large slow cooker, but you can use a pressure cooker if you prefer a shorter timeframe, or simmer it on a stovetop. You can use chicken, turkey, beef bones – whatever you prefer. We use chicken.
A whole chicken carcass. I remove much of the meat from a baked chicken for meals but leave a liberal amount for flavor.
1 package of chicken wings
1 package of chicken drumsticks
1 bunch parsley, chopped coarse
3 carrots cut into thick pieces
3 celery stalks cut into thick pieces
1 white onion cut into thick chunks
2 teaspoons of turmeric (or equivalent drops of turmeric oil)
A palmful of peppercorns
1/2 cup organic apple cider vinegar with the mother (important for breaking down the bones to draw the collagen out)
Put the carcass in the pot, toss in all the ingredients, fill with water.
Slow cook for 20 hours or pressure cook for 4.
I double strain, ladling the ingredients into a bowl and pouring through a strainer into a large bowl. Keep doing that till the bowl’s full, then pour that bowl of yumminess through a fine strainer into another large bowl. Dump the solids into a plastic shopping bag – I freeze it till trash day.
I ladle the broth into 8-ounce Ball mason jars with solid covers. This usually makes 24 jars’ worth. Stack them in the fridge. When you use them, skim the fat off the top and dispose. Warm it, stir in salt and pepper if you want, and drink away!
Well, believe it or not, we’re going to have baked chicken tonight and then make a broth tomorrow!
I’m so grateful for all the support from so many wonderful customers and fans of my Featherstones Comfort Pad. Just so you know, any purchases this month will get a 20% discount off the entire order, including our pads, carry bag and a new pad/cover and replaceable cover that will be going on the website soon. We’ll be sure to keep the discount live for them for at least a month. Just check in at and use coupon code THANKYOU20 at checkout.
I have the new Foliage Fleece cover and Churn Pique Fabric pad available at my office in Kingston for anyone local who would like to see them and pick one up. Just email me:
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends, who are welcome to sign up for it at the website. Their info will never be sold or given away! Thanks for passing the word!
To your good comfort!
With love, Leigh
PS: Don’t forget, you can follow us on Facebook (#FeatherstonesComfortPad) and on Instagram (#Featherstones.Comfort.Pad). I post fun stuff, info and insights daily, Monday-Friday. (More sunny beach photos from Aruba coming to social media!)